Pastor George E. Murdaugh came to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church as our vacancy pastor in February 2013 after nearly 40 years of ministry in Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia. He is a graduate of Holy Trinity Seminary at the University of Dallas where he earned his B.A., M.Div. and M.Th. He also attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Pastor Murdaugh has involved himself in the broader work of mission and outreach through the Lutheran Church.
He is leading Prince of Peace in its Outreach Initiative to “build bridges” to the broader Douglasville community. He serves as the CFO of the Chirala Medical and Educational Trust, Inc. doing medical and evangelical ministry among the poor Hindu, Muslim and Christian people of eastern India since 2004. Pastor Murdaugh is an experienced teacher and preacher. He was a classroom teacher in both public and Christian schools for 8 yrs. before becoming a full-time pastor.
His Bible teaching continues in the parish setting, in missions abroad and in the Atlanta area. He also served as the Circuit Counselor for Circuit One of the Florida/Georgia District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for 9 yrs.
Pastor Murdaugh is married to Teresa and they have three grown children, Donna, Nathan, and Austin.